How To Spread Christmas Cheer In The Office

How To Spread Christmas Cheer In The Office

Tis the season to be jolly fa-la-la-la-la…Well, Nearly! Spreading positive cheer through your office should be a constant part of your company culture, but with Christmas approaching, we can finally turn up the volume even more. The Christmas holiday season is the perfect excuse to give your office a full holiday-themed makeover. I’m sure you will in some way take part in your house decorating, so why not give the office some sparkle too. Whether you are a large or small business, there are many ways that you can spread holiday cheer at our favourite time of year!

10 Ways To Spread Christmas Cheer In The Office

1. Play Secret Santa

Secret santa can be the perfect game to get the team together ready before the office holiday time. These gift exchanges will open up the opportunity for people to learn about each other, and maybe come closer to team members they hadn’t before. Have each individual chuck their name into a Father Christmas hat, shut their eyes and pick out a name at random. Whoever’s name they recieve, will be the person they are gifting!

2. Hold A Christmas Sweater Competition

Yes, those ‘ugly’ sweaters we all secretly love. Why not celebrate the holidays with a Christmas sweater competition? From experience, this always brings laughter to the office and creates smiles all round. You can then get individuals to vote for their favourite jumper and reward the winner with a gift.

3. The White Elephant Gift Exchange

The white elephant gift exchange is the perfect way to spread the holiday spirit in the office. The rules can vary, but I’m going to share my favourite way you can play this Christmas. Think of a type of gift you want each person to bring, this could be something humorous! Have your team sit around a table with each of their presents in the centre, and then select a player to choose a gift to take. Once opened, the next player can either choose to steal their gift, or take one from the unopened pile. 

4. Get Decorating!

Decorating your office will bring cheer amongst your team as soon as they step through the door. You can decorate with Christmas wreaths, hang ‘happy holiday’ bunting in the doorways, and hire a Christmas tree for your office space! This will get your team excited for their Christmas holidays, and bring a more informal friendly feeling to the office for the season.

5. Hold A Christmas Holiday Party

Celebrate the holidays by arranging a get together before finishing for Christmas. This could be held in the office, out for a meal, or at a themed event. This gives people something to look forward to and glam up for, providing a great opportunity for the team to meet outside of the workplace.

Christmas party

6. Serve Christmas Themed Food

Why not hold a day where everyone brings in their own Christmas themed food? Or, if you are on a larger scale, have your canteen serve a Christmas dinner for a day. This will give people a reason to sit together and chat over a meal, getting them ready for the big day!

7. Gift Personalised Christmas Cards

As a leader at a business, it can sometimes be difficult to break away from the more formal mould of running a team. This is why Christmas time can create the perfect breakthrough for showing your more personal side. An amazing way to show your team how much you appreciate them is to hand out personalised notes in Christmas cards to everyone.

8. Support A Charity

Supporting and giving to others with less is even more important at Christmas time. Getting your team together to discuss which charity you would like to support this Christmas will give a sense of gratitude, whilst helping those most in need.

9. Have A Team Christmas Photo

You probably already have a bundle of photos of the team, suited and booted in their best work attire. So why not break the mould at this time and have a fun, light hearted photoshoot of the team dressed ready for Christmas in their newly decorated office? 

10. Display Exterior Christmas Lights

Lighting up the outside of your office with beautiful Christmas lights will create a warm feeling for your team when coming in and leaving the office during the dark mornings and evenings. This doesn’t have to be anything major and expensive, simply wrapping a set around the doorway or greenery outside will be enough to lift the mood!

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