Pot plants come in a variety of sizes,  specimens and colours.  If you are having trouble keeping your mini plant displays happy and healthy, this guide might give you a few tips and possibly some green knowledge to take away with you.

I will only focus on a few specimens and small desktop pot sizes, as there is such a variety widely available in any local garden centres and even in our supermarkets. The plants I am looking at today are gifted to me or are emergency casualties I have taken in from friends and family to replenish.

Lets talk about pot plants

First of all when picking a houseplant you need to make a decision on the  pot you will place it in.  Ask yourself a few of these questions:  What size would fit best in my room? What colour would compliment my room?  How decorative do  I want my pot?   Will the pot or plant take centre stage as the main focus? Do I want a quirky, plain or patterned design?


Lets Talk about pot plants variatey of pots for plants

Here are a few of my own desktop pots ideal for windowsills and shelving spaces. Always check the pot to see what irrigation system is in place, some pots require you to keep the plant in a pot with holes in for drainage that will sit inside the chosen pot.  Others will have built-in irrigation holes allowing excess water to trickle out. This is important so the plant roots do not get damaged. Always check with a member of staff where you brought the pot if you are unsure.

potted plant on a table - simply plants

When picking your plants question what sort of environment will it being placed in. Will your plant be next to a sunny window? A warm radiator,  A dark corner?  All these factors must be taken into consideration, as all will affect a plants growth.


Here are some of my green friends and where they like to live: Money Plant (Loves a sunny window sill, doesn’t like a drink often)

Lets Talk about pot plants money plant infront of a window

This plant is hardy and tolerates direct sunlight very well, which makes it ideal for a windowsill situated in a sunny area. It will forgive you if you miss the occasional water as likes quite a dry environment. Unfortunately, the money plant doesn’t live up to its name… I’m still waiting.


Ivy (Loves climbing in a shady spot)

ivy in a pot

This ivy, in particular, prefers in direct sunlight in a shady spot but there are variations available such as Devils ivy which love a dark space and will thrive providing they are not overwatered. My active friend here likes a regular drink and stands up tall with some support from instruments it can cling to and climb.


Aloe Vera (Loves to sunbathe and into home remedies)

aloe vira in a pot on the window cill

Again there are different variations of Aloe Vera around; this healing plant can be used for all sorts of medicinal purposes including burns and scratches. It is probably best to liaise with a professional before making any of your home remedies but this plant is hardy, likes scheduled water but tolerates heat and sunlight well. This plant will tell you if it is not happy in  the environment placed in but will recover when it’s happy.


Peace Lily (Loves a regular drink and plenty of attention)

piece lilly in a pot

My elegant friend here loves to be the centre of attention, producing beautiful white flowers for all to admire, it needs indirect sunlight to produce flowers and requires a regular drink to keep on blooming. A shady spot is ideal for them but be careful if you have any feline friends in the same place, as these flowers can be toxic to them. They are a hardy houseplant that will let you know instantly what they want, when thirsty it will completely droop looking almost as if it has passed away, but give your display plenty of water and it will soon spring back up to life, it is a bit of a trickster in that respect.


Orchid (Loves a humid space with a particular terrain to thrive)

orchid in a whitepot

In the wild this plant is naturally a parasite plant, living on the top of trees in rainforests to survive.  With naturally vibrant and unusual patterns on its flowers, the orchid is a fan favourite. I think of this plant as a fussy friend that loves a spa day! These plants love humidity and indirect light; bathroom windowsills are an ideal spot for these plants providing the sunlight isn’t direct and there are no drafts.

If unable to place in a bathroom try lightly misting it in a similar environment. Instead of soil this plant much prefers sitting on bark, as it will absorb the nutrients and moisture from it easier. Try not get the air roots directly wet or else this plant will sulk. If you keep this plant humid it will reflower, they often look like they have died once the flowers have gone but with a bit of TLC and the right space, they will bloom again.


Sansevieria (An all-rounder that doesn’t drink much and loves sun)


Sansevieria in a pot

You may know this plant more commonly known as ‘Mother in laws tongue’ this cheeky plant is a versatile all-rounder.  Be careful not to overwater as they love a dry sunny environment, indirect sunlight lets this plant thrive so most window sills provide an ideal environment for it. Very dark spots can be problematic for it (like most plants) but this is  a hardy specimen that will tolerate most environments, it will also forgive you if you miss the occasional water.


house plant in a yellow pot


There is so much fun to be had picking your house plants and displaying them in rooms around your house, office or workspace.

Many businesses have natural plant displays, which not only enhance the look of their environment but they also come with large health benefits, as they filter out toxins and pollutants from the air caused by everyday technology.

If we can do this in offices around the world why not with our own house.  Each plant has different needs and likes getting to know these traits is what makes having a houseplant so much fun.



Take a look for your spooky plant in our shop here.


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